From 12/28/09
I figured I had a good amount of momentum going on the Avenues so I decided that I would try out 5th Ave. I've been on 5th Ave many times before, but I swear I was really seeing it for the first time tonight.

The obvious blaring commercialism jumped out at me immediately. Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Kenneth Cole, Pucci, Fendi, Versace, just to name a few. I couldn't bring myself to step inside any of these stores. Something about those stores make me a little nauseous. I just can't imagine living that sort of life. Dropping $4,000 on a pant suit or shoulder bag, wow! I know, I know...people who are not rich always say the same thing, "If I had it, I wouldn't spend it like that!" But the truth is, we don't know what we would do until we actually have it. I would've been on the defensive right away if I had gone into those stores. "Why are they looking at me like I can't afford anything in here?" Melodie...cause you CAN'T afford anything in there and you LOOK like you CAN'T. Hahaha! I don't really care, that kind of stuff has never interested me. Sure, who doesn't want nice things (that's why I play the lotto), but I just don't think I'm the type of person who would obsess over designers and name brands. What kind of jeans are you wearing girl? Uh...blue jeans. Where'd you get those shoes? Can't remember...had em' so long. That's me!

It wasn't long before I ran into my second favorite bookstore. Barnes & Noble. It's my second favorite because they make a big fuss if they see you copying something out of a book. Shoot, at Borders, I copy entire recipes from cookbooks right there in the open. But Barnes & Noble has that addictive old library smell, kinda like talcum powder and wood varnish. I made a mental note to come back to find a really good map of NYC. Guess what I saw the Statue of Liberty today...it's smaller than you think...tee hee hee!

As I continued on, I decided that I wanted to top my last record walk of 58 blocks. I was stoked about the challenge and stopped at a Starbucks to refuel (still plenty of money on my gift card...yes!) With my Skinny Vanilla Latte in tow, I looked up and right there in front of me was the Empire State Building. Not from a distance, right smack dead in front of me! I felt like a little kid. Whoa!! I chose to confront my stalker and go inside. This was my first time in the Empire State Building and I felt like a tourist for sure. The thought of going up 86 floors on the observation deck was exciting. That was until I found out there was 2 hour wait. Uh...never mind. I'll come back another time, preferably with my friends (seems like it would be a fun thing to do on a Sunday). Stay tuned for that blog...

I squinted as I looked ahead and saw a building that looked like an old medieval castle. ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL!! I've only seen this place from the outside a few times, but it was simply beautiful at night. I saw people going in, so I followed the crowd. Then, I thought about it, I had seen the inside of this church on television. But being there was an experience in itself. As soon as I walked in, I saw the candles and decided to light one and say a prayer (I went to catholic school briefly in elementary) so I had just a "little" knowledge about what I was doing, but not really. I grew up African Methodist Episcopal Zion. WE PRAY LOUD!! WE FALL OUT WITH JOY!! WE SHOUT OUR PRAISES!! Nothing like the hushed and reserved mood of the Catholic Church. I hate to say it, but even though St. Patrick's Cathedral was soooo beautiful, I didn't feel God's presence.

Yes, even with all the statues and painting, and saints staring at me, I didn't feel it. But I told myself "God is Everywhere". It might've been all the camera's flashing, the tour groups, and parent's telling their children to hush it up (okay...well maybe that last part did feel like church) but it was too touristy.

As I said my prayer, I couldn't really focus so I thought it might help if I knelt in a pew. Still...nothing. I past about 5churches while walking on 5th Ave. None as grand as St. Patrick's though. Oh well, I'll pray tonight like I always do beside my bed like a 5 year old child.

Did you know the Holiday magic isn't dead yet in NYC? That was such a relief! I had roasted chestnuts for the first time. I sang the song in my head...CHESTNUTS ROASTING ON AN OPEN FIREEEEE! JACK FROST NIPPING AT YOUR NOSEEEEE!

And they were delicious. Shoot, they better had been at $4 for a little bag. Oh and by the way, let me just say that the holiday windows at Lord & Taylor and Saks 5th Ave are 10 times better than Macy's. I couldn't stop taking pictures. The store window at Saks had a cute story about the journey of a snowflake. It was a little trippy looking (like someone had dropped a little acid) but it was definitely creative. The first window read "WHERE EVER YOU WIND UP, YOU WERE MEANT TO BE." Hmm...don't know if I agree with that. It more like "WHERE EVER I WAS MEANT TO BE, I WILL EVENTUALLY WIND UP." Yes, there's a difference, think about it.

As I got close to the end of my walk (destination was 72nd street) I ended up in the residential area. Every apartment building had a doorman dressed to the nines in a stiff hat, jacket, and gloves. I could really smell the money every time a door opened, LOL! A horse drawn carriage passed me and it was about this time when my legs began to ache and I just wanted to go home (I secretly wished that the guy driving the carriage would give me a ride to my destination). As I turned on 72nd and reached Lexington Ave, it hit me that there was no train on 72st on the Eastside!! So I hopped on the bus to the Westside to my beloved #2 train. Yes tonight was truly MAJESTIC!


More Pics For this Entry Coming Soon!!
Streets Walked
5th Ave. (14th-72nd Street)
72nd St. (5th Ave-Lexington Ave.)
61 Blocks! I topped my record!
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