Yesterday was such a pick me up!I love this city. I am beginning to understand the fascination of NYC during the holidays. I've lived here forever and have been totally taking it for granted. But first let me get to my rant. I have come to the realization that true New Yorkers aren't afraid to die. It's either that or we think we are immortal. The sign clearly says DON'T WALK! And people are inching closer and closer into the crosswalk as 100 cars come towards them. "I dare you to run over me", must be what goes on in their minds. And then have a nerve to get an attitude with the motorists for honking their horns. And it's not just young teenagers or dare devil middle aged people doing this. MOTHERS WITH BABY CARRIAGES!! They push their babies into oncoming traffic without a second thought! Where are peoples heads? Now on the other hand, once the light says WALK, that gives me the right to RULE the crosswalk. Cars trying to make a turn, TOUGH noogies!! Give me time to cross the friggin' street. I must confess I flipped the bird to a taxi cab driver yesterday and not ashamed of it. NEW YORKER FOR LIFE AND DON'T FORGET IT! Tee Hee Hee. Okay done with the rant. Back to the wonderful holiday scenery : )

As I was nearing 34th Street (this time via 6th ave.) I saw the Empire State Building and right on cue, Empire State of Mind by Alicia Keys and Jay Z began to play on my sidekick. How perfect was that timing? It was lit up with Blue and White in honor of Hannakuh. I began to sing out loud and didn't care who stared at me. New York!!!! Concrete jungle where dreams are made of, There's nothing you can’t do, Now you're in New York!!! These streets will make you feel brand new, the lights will inspire you, Let's hear it for New York, New York, New York

While singing happily along I hit Herald Square and I was immediately morphed into a 5 year old. Wow! In the Macy's windows it showed kids how their letters to Santa got to the North Pole. And there were actual letters on big wheels spinning and on trains heading to the North Pole of course. But the kicker was the electronic setup. There was a station where children could type their letters to Santa on a big plasma screen electronically. Their parents stood behind them smiling as they made mental notes on what to buy (smile). Love it! I know that Christmas has become so commercialized and blah blah blah but I was really taken by it all and didn't see the harm in it at the moment. I may think otherwise tomorrow. My mind changes like the wind.

I had to break myself away from Herald Square and I ran smack dead into Bryant Park on 40th St. Bryant Park is one of my favorite places during the summer because of the free outdoor movies. Get a blanket, some wine, some snacks, and good company and enjoy classic movies under the stars. But I'd never really checked out in the winter. Ice Skating!! I had to check it out. I got my admission bracelet (free if you aren't skating or have your own skates). I'm not brave enough to try yet. Maybe this weekend. Their were a lot of people from different countries skating and watching as well. It's great how people can get their point across without knowing English. While I was sipping my coffee and people watching. An Asian guy pointed to the tree and said. TREE. BIG. WHERE? I was like oooohhh you mean the tree at Rockafeller Center. He was like yeah. So I gave him a street number and he was on his way. Once I couldn't feel my toes anymore (wearing chuck Taylors in 20 degree weather isn't smart) I left and decided to try and continue on to 72nd St. My journey got cut short once I got to 59th St. The wind was really blowing and my face was freezing. The M5 came outta nowhere and I jumped on. The heat on that bus was AMAZING. Just a thought: I'm not a smoker anymore WOW!! Can't believe it.

Streets Walked 6th Avenue (14th-59th streets) Herald Square Does anyone know why 6th Avenue is also called Avenue of the Americas?
I wish I could've posted the videos from yesterday. Having a hard time getting them to show up. So video's are coming soon.
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