From 12/26/09
Yes! I finished another overnight shift for extra cash. I haven't slept in two days trying to fit in family time and go to work. You would think that I would be on the train heading to the Bronx and getting some much needed rest. Nope! The city streets were calling me first. Plus,I had a friend to meet up with to get my favorite DVD back.

Armed with a travel mug of Maxwell House brewed with a little cinnamon, I decided to walk uptown on 9th Ave. As I walked, I realized that past 16th street, this was fairly new territory for me. 9th Ave. is like the bowels of Manhattan, a block away is the Hudson River. The Avuenue seemed to look older than the rest of the city. I don't know, it could've been the rain and lack of sunshine that set the tone. Warehouses, old buildings, parking garages and endless construction seemed to be the theme. Despite the gloomy, sleepy appearance of the city, I was happy that the rain was washing away the last bits of dirty slush and ice. The city needed a good cleansing.

At 8:30 am, the day after Christmas, the city was still asleep. I had the city all to myself! It was just as well because I'm sure I looked like death, lol! I passed by a cute little store and they had Julia Child's cookbook "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" in the window. I'm sure sales have skyrocketed since the movie Julie & Julia. I don't know how I feel about Meryl Streep strategically placed on an extra
sleeve around Julia's book. That's JULIA'S BOOK! Sigh...marketing. The book caught my attention in the first place cause several people have made the same comment to me. "Oh, you are doing something like what Julie did with Julia Child's cookbook! I loved the movie Julie & Julia, but, Uh...the only thing we have in common are that we are blogging. Not a great comparison peoples! Come on! Forgive me I am justifiably cranky.

As I fantisized about what I would do with the winnings, I began to feel a little sad, Christmas was over, now what? Decorations were being taken down, no more christmas music playing in the stores, the streets were no longer filled with shoppers. But then, I had to remember that the city had just woken up. I looked around and Manhattan definitely had some crust in its eyes, a snotty nose and stinky breath. Ewww!!

As I got closer to 34th street, I was amazed that the place was a complete ghost town. HELLO HELLO HELLO! (echoing) I wanted to yell. I mean this area was totally creepy and depressing.

And just when I didn't think things could get any better, I scored a free New York Times and New York Observer. As I sat down in a cozy corner (they were playing funk & soul...they get many cool points for that) I remembered my scratch off ticket and tried my luck. Dag, I lost!! Oh well... next time.
I got totally absorbed into the New York Times and got some updates on Fort Hood (finally looking into revamping psychiatric treatment for soldiers), someone stole the Auschwitz sign (which was a huge symbol of the Holocaust), China's citizens are steadily losing their freedom of speech, Health Care Reform (republicans still hate it).

But what really caught my attention was what was going on in South Korea. Parents are putting their children through all types of torture to make them grow taller. They are spending fortunes on accupunture, hormone shots, stretching machines, and other hoopla, so that their children may get the chance to be a few inches taller. Why? Because being short is frowned upon. Shorter people aren't successful. Shorter people can't find mates. Tall is beautiful. Short is unattractive. Hello!! South Koreans are naturally short! Wow!! Western Society wins again. So sad.
I totally lost track of time and reluctantly folded up my paper. I headed over to 5th Ave. where my friend was SUPPOSED to be 30 minutes ago. I get a call, SHE NEVER LEFT THE HOUSE!!! I'm sleepy, I'm tired and she hadn't left the house yet! I'm going home to the Bronx! Grrrrrr!
Streets Walked
9th Ave. (16th-37th Street)
37th St. (9th Ave-5th Ave)

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