From 12/24/09
I decided I officially have restless leg syndrome. I had an extra hustle from 10pm to 8am and needed to get some rest before I headed off to make my million bucks. So when I left my day job (yep, we were hard at work on Christmas Eve) I planned to get at least 5 hours of sleep at my friends house in Alphabet City so I wouldn't have a crazy commute to and from the Bronx. I swear the Bronx can seem so far away and sometimes I wish for teleporters ....beam me up Scottie! Well I only ended up getting 2 hours of sleep due to a bad dream. I honestly think I was going through "walking withdrawal" I didn't walk on Wednesday because the Macy's monster attacked me. I was mentally drained and didn't have the energy. My restless sleep must've been my body's way of telling me to WALK. True restless leg syndrome LOL! So I left out early and decided to walk to my overnight job.

The project developments were so festive with Christmas lights and decorations. See people, you don't need a house to get totally into Christmas decorations. The projects looked so inviting and warm which is a total contrast from how they look during the day.

As I got closer to the Union Square area, I began to notice how desolate the sidewalks were. I expected people to be out doing last minute holiday shopping. I guess they actually decided to get home to their families. That's a wonderful thing.

I realized I was way too deep in thought as I looked BOTH WAYS on a ONE WAY street(kinda how I live my life). And I laughed at myself for my absent-mindedness. But I was delirious with joy as I made it to my destination. LIFE IS GOOD. I AM LIVING. Hey Glenn Lewis, tell em' how I'm feelin' while I sip on my tea. Ummm...vanilla.
Living life, early morning love
Summer days and getting paid
Friends from around the way
Rain done gone away
Favorite songs, knowing where you belong
No place like home
Whatever your vice that got you nice at any price
And it feels so good, so good the simple things The way it should be
(simple things)
Cant take it for granted, the way it feels
Ahh...now that I understand
So good to me (simple things)
It's the simple things that life is made of
Make me feel, so real, real, yeah (real good) Simple as love inside of
And its alright, said its alright, pure simplicity
Family, shade from a tree, special memories about the way it used to be
Hanging on the corner, doing what you wanna
So happy
Out at the movies wit cha love,feeling high above Any troubles you've
had, just being glad to be alive
And its alright
A warm smile from a child, taking in the game
The scent of spring rain, a day to relax, a sensation of climax
Its the simple things.
*Note: Also see new post titled "Rise N Shine NYC!"
Streets Walked
Ave D. (3rd-10th St.)
10th st (Ave D-Ave A)
Ave A (10th-14th St.)
14th St. (Ave A-1st ave)
1st Ave (14th-15th St.)
15th St. (1st Ave-Union Square East)
15th st. (Union Square West- 8th Ave)
8th Ave. (15th-16th St.)
Note: Also see post titled "Rise N Shine NYC" was also posted today

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