Yesterday's walk was a little blah. Not that I didn't enjoy it, I'm just having a bit of the winter blues and hate that it gets dark so early. But then I thought it may be a good idea to cover the "less vibrant" parts of Manhattan during the winter anyhow. Once again I had errands to run and a meeting so I had a destination. I had to get creative to be sure I didn't cover any of my previous routes since I was going to the same place as Monday. So people don't get it twisted, I have a life LOL. It's just I decided to walk where I need to go.

As I bought my monthly MetroCard ($89) I began to wonder if I will be wasting my money since I use it less. But I'm sure I won't be walking to and from the Bronx anytime soon, so a monthly MetroCard is still an awesome deal. So that's that.
Woo Hoo! Hit the touristy area of 34th Street again but on 7th ave. and that Holiday feeling came flooding back again. The big holiday monster known as MACY'S!!! I was soooo tempted to go in but had to be at my destination by 6pm. But oh how I longed to ride those old wooden escalators aand stare at all the expensive things. But I quickly remembered the assault the perfume I would have to endure. And my allergies are no joke. Didn't need people staring at the "crying" lady.
The word

in glittery gold lights made me cross the street to get closer to Macy's to get a better view. Totally forgot they have Christmas windows with uh...what to you call them? Dolls that move and stuff? Well anyway the theme this year is Miracle on 34th street!! Check out the pics. Doesn't Santa look creepy as hell! But the windows were great.

I also passed Madison Square Garden and I felt lucky that I've been there a good amount of times. Hard to imagine that there are plenty of New Yorkers who haven't experienced a concert or basketball game at The Garden. Madonna's concert "Hard Candy" was the best. Wish I could see Alicia Keys though. Would be a nice present, hint, hint. I also thought the same thing when I passed Lincoln Center on Tuesday. I've only been to Lincoln Center once to see an Opera, MacBeth. Thanks to my good friend Rosie!! But I can say, been there done that with my nose up in the air. Ummm hmmm.
After my meeting, I headed off to Mecca, I mean Trader Joe's. I looooove that place. I swear its a cult. Once you shop there once, you are hooked. The long lines at the 14th St. location are ridiculous but was pleased to find that it is bearable at 9pm. I was actually able to walk through the isle's this time without having to play bumper cars.

Oh how I miss my wine though. I went to Trader Joe's wine shop and just "looked" at the wine. I can't have it in the house though or the whole bottle is gone. Don't get me wrong. I still have a glass every once in a while but drinking it on the regular would be the downfall to my weight loss goal. Alcohol=bad food choices. Believe me.
Wait, I did mention that I was going to log my weight loss in this blog too right? Well since beginning my goal to get healthy I have lost 30lbs since 10/26/09. And I am still going strong. A lot more to go :) A few people have asked to walk along with me and everyone is welcome. However, there are two rules. 1)You have to finish the walk I have planned for the day and 2)Can't be a Debbie Downer. Well...till next time. Dang I'm sleepy and feeling a little silly.

Streets Walked
7th Ave. (14th-34th Street)
34th St. (7th-1st Avenue)
Lexington Ave (34th-33rd Street)
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