I figured I had a good amount of momentum going on the Avenues so I decided that I would try out 5th Ave. I've been on 5th Ave many times before, but I swear I was really seeing it for the first time tonight.

The obvious blaring commercialism jumped out at me immediately. Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Kenneth Cole, Pucci, Fendi, Versace, just to name a few. I couldn't bring myself to step inside any of these stores. Something about those stores make me a little nauseous. I just can't imagine living that sort of life. Dropping $4,000 on a pant suit or shoulder bag, wow! I know, I know...people who are not rich always say the same thing, "If I had it, I wouldn't spend it like that!" But the truth is, we don't know what we would do until we actually have it. I would've been on the defensive right away if I had gone into those stores. "Why are they looking at me like I can't afford anything in here?" Melodie...cause you CAN'T afford anything in there and you LOOK like you CAN'T. Hahaha! I don't really care, that kind of stuff has never interested me. Sure, who doesn't want nice things (that's why I play the lotto), but I just don't think I'm the type of person who would obsess over designers and name brands. What kind of jeans are you wearing girl? Uh...blue jeans. Where'd you get those shoes? Can't remember...had em' so long. That's me!

As I continued on, I decided that I wanted to top my last record walk of 58 blocks. I was stoked about the challenge and stopped at a Starbucks to refuel (still plenty of money on my gift card...yes!) With my Skinny Vanilla Latte in tow, I looked up and right there in front of me was the Empire State Building. Not from a distance, right smack dead in front of me! I felt like a little kid. Whoa!! I chose to confront my stalker and go inside. This was my first time in the Empire State Building and I felt like a tourist for sure. The thought of going up 86 floors on the observation deck was exciting. That was until I found out there was 2 hour wait. Uh...never mind. I'll come back another time, preferably with my friends (seems like it would be a fun thing to do on a Sunday). Stay tuned for that blog...

Did you know the Holiday magic isn't dead yet in NYC? That was such a relief! I had roasted chestnuts for the first time. I sang the song in my head...CHESTNUTS ROASTING ON AN OPEN FIREEEEE! JACK FROST NIPPING AT YOUR NOSEEEEE!

More Pics For this Entry Coming Soon!!
Streets Walked
5th Ave. (14th-72nd Street)
72nd St. (5th Ave-Lexington Ave.)
61 Blocks! I topped my record!