From 1/13/10:
The weather was decent tonight. None of that wind that cuts your cheeks and takes your breathe away and makes your eyes leak ice water. I felt as if I could walk forever. I decided to take a new approach and tried to walk an entire neighborhood. I chose the Theater District. I zig zagged my way through the neighborhood instead of continuously walking on one avenue. Since I have no sense of direction, this was no easy task. I had to keep in mind that I had to walk from 8th to 6th avenue on 42nd, then 6th to 8th ave on 43rd, 8th to 6th ave on 44th...well you get the idea. I began to realize that this whole thing is a bit neurotic. But I really don't care! There is definitely a method to my madness. Or shall I say a method to my happiness!
As I passed by Port Authority. I noticed all the blank looks on peoples faces as they headed to catch their buses into Jersey and other areas outside NYC. It was similar to a herd of cattle being led to their assigned grazing areas. MOOOO! I know the hum drum of the commute can be a bit daunting. But I try to make mine as pleasant as possible. When I get on the subway, I have my music, my travel mug of tea, a book, or a notepad. I totally zone out and make my own little world. God forbid if someone tries to disturb my little internal utopia by:
*repeatedly hitting me with their bag
*talking way too loudly on their cell phones (and their breath smells like dookie *kids putting their shoes all over my pants cause they can't sit still
*guys trying to hit on me but never offering me their seat
*guys standing directly in front of me with ill-fitting skinny jeans
*obnoxious ladies popping gum
Okay, the list could go on and on. I guess it doesn't take much to disturb my little world. But I try my hardest to ignore it all. Some days are easier than others.LOL!
New Yorkers all have their methods of getting through the commute without committing murder. Me, I tend not to smile either. Not because I'm mad, I'm just not one to smile all the time (Great Grandma said only crazy people do that) so I am sure I look angry or have a blank stare while walking on the streets, but it doesn't reflect how I truly feel. "Smile, young mama" the old street urchins always tell me. But I am smiling...on the inside at least :)
As I passed the artists on 42nd Street, I tried to remember if I've ever had my caricature done. Wow, I don't think I have. I guess I'm a little scared to let them exaggerate the features that I may not be so comfortable with. I can see it now, me beating the artist upside the head with my pocketbook for drawing my nose from ear to ear, or making my breasts the size of watermelons, and making my cheeks so round and shiny I look like I'm gonna pop. Nah, I'm not going to sit through that kind of abuse. LOL!
As I shifted through the theater district I was reminded of all the plays I want to see. Like Memphis, Hair, The Lion King just to name a few. Most of the plays I've seen so far have been small productions and off-broadway. I want to be in a gigantic theater and experience all the ridiculousness of the lights, the music, the huge crowds, the whole kit 'n' kaboodle.
All this walking has caused me to reflect on my life and the decisions I've made. More and more I haven't needed music while I walk to drown out negative thoughts or to put me in the right state of mind. I'm no longer afraid to be alone with my thoughts. I must say this positive attitude gimmick really does work. I think I'll stick with it! My legs began to ache big time but I was determined to keep going. Before I knew it, I had walked almost the entire theater district!! I just have to remember to cover 7th Ave. (42nd-55th St.) on another day and I'm totally done with the Theater District! Feeling bouncy! Feeling good! Nope, I took no pics today. I was too deep in thought most of the time. Then, enjoyed a nice long conversation with the best brother ever!
Streets Walked
42nd st (8th-6th ave)
43rd st (8th-6th ave)
44th st (8th-6th ave)
45th st (8th-6th ave)
46th st (8th-6th ave)
47th st (8th-6th ave)
48th st (8th-6th ave)
49th st (8th-6th ave)
50th st (8th-6th ave)
51st st (8th-6th ave)
52nd st (8th-6th ave)
53rd st (8th-6th ave)
54th st (8th-6th ave)
55th st (8th-6th ave)
Streets Walked on 1/15/10
Park ave (32nd-33rd st)
33rd st (park 1st ave)
30th street (1st ave-10thave)
10th ave 30th-13th
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