To say that I'm stressed is definitely an understatement. Some things in my life are spiraling outta control and its out of my hands. Then I thought, what's the one thing I can do no matter what? I can walk it out! I totally needed to de-stress and bop my head to some Tribe Called Quest (still haven't updated my music).

Feeling quite geeky and a little touristy with my map. I realized that I've walked in so many different neighborhoods. The Financial District, Tribecca, SoHo, NoHo, Flat Iron District, Midtown South, Midtown West, Garment District, Times Square, Theater District, Chelsea, Upper West Side, Upper East Side, Murray Hill, Kips Bay, Alphabet City, Little Italy, and Chinatown. No I haven't completed each neighborhood in its entirety but I certainly plan to do just that.

I began my journey on 34th and 9th Ave. after about 6 blocks, I realized this was brand new territory for me. I don't think I've ever walked in this area in all my years living in NYC. Hell's Kitchen really wasn't "hellish" at all. I don't know what I expected. Perhaps a little red creature with a long tail and pitch fork stirring cake batter in a bowl on every corner? I don't know. The area was quite charming with it's dozens of Thai restaurants, pottery shops, and odds and ends stores. I went into "Ricky's" which was really random I know, but I've never been inside one. Ricky's doesn't quite makes sense. They sell costumes, hair and body products, quirky keepsakes, magnets, etc. I really couldn't figure this store out, therefore, I really liked it. I've seen plenty of Ricky's around the city. The prices for some of the hair and body products and cosmetics were a bit overpriced. But, the little gag gifts were hilarious. I found a shelf of fake pills (really candy) all labeled for crazy ailments.

Lately I've been obsessed with Asian people in surgical masks. All around the city, I'm seeing people of Asian descent wearing surgical masks and I seem to be the only one noticing or taking a second look. # of surgical masks seen today, 7. At first I was like...oh my God! What am I missing on the news? I haven't been watching much TV lately. I soon got my answer from a friend of mine a few days ago who happens to be Japanese. She explained that this is totally normal in Japan and most people wear the surgical masks when they are sick so they won't spread their germs. So they are actually being considerate of other people. I thought, why doesn't everyone do that? And would it be effective? My hilarious cousin was like "Nah, we are just a bunch of filthy dirty Americans". Are we? Ponder....

On the way home on the train, a little old man who looked to be at least 70 yrs old asked me "Excuse me Ms., is my watch right?" it says 7:30. I told him it was the right time. He replied with a toothless grin "Awww....I must've been sleeping while I was downtown." I quickly assessed him and he didn't look homeless and he didn't smell of alcohol and when he was standing he didn't have the "heroin lean". The heroin lean is when a person appears to be asleep while standing up but their knees are bent slightly and they sway back and forth or lean dangerously forward and you just know they are gonna fall but they never do, say it with me kids, "The Heroin Lean". So I wondered if he was suffering with dementia or something. I didn't know if I should be concerned or not. But in NYC its hard to figure out when to offer help because people are just plain crazy and can hurt you, especially the mentally ill. So unfortunately we usually do nothing out of fear, not selfishness. I just said a silent prayer to myself when he exited the train that he got home safely. Ya know what, this walk totally cleared my head and my problems no longer seem so bad. Endorphins rule!!

Streets Walked
9th Ave (34th-59th Street)
9th-10th Ave
10th Ave (59th-34th Street)

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