From 1/25/10
Today I was totally aimless and I guess it reflected how I was truly feeling inside. I felt a bit scattered and needed to walk to get my mind together. I was pleasantly surprised when my friend wanted to walk with me and I guess I needed the distraction from the negativity that threatened to creep in. We ended up walking towards Washington Square Park. I have many memories of this place. I used to take clients there for a relaxing day out during the summer. There were always musicians performing, someone dancing, or just plain randomness in Washington Square Park. We would pass the hours watching teenagers try and fail skateboard tricks and watch people with their well-groomed dogs in the doggy park. This place is a people watchers' candy store. Being that it's winter, it was a little less festive but still a warm place to stroll through. I stopped and smiled at two toddlers dancing to the music of an acoustic guitar. I got so tickled because the little girl was really busting a move and encouraged the little boy to do the same. We watched as long as we could and then mutually decided to walk away because the "tick-tock" of my biological clock began to get louder and louder. LOL!

On our zig zag course, we ended up on 7th Ave and 11th Street (Mulry Square). There is a fence here with decorated tiles dedicated to the victims of 9/11.

After my friend and I parted ways due to the rain. I planned to head to the Bronx early but ended up getting off the the train at 125th St. 125th St. is like a 2nd home to me. I go there to get my hair braided at any of the 1,000 African Hair Braiding Salons. Let me tell you, my African sisters know how to hustle! If you are wearing a headwrap, a scarf, or have an Afro, they will pounce on you as you come out of the train station asking if you want your hair braided. It's a bit pushy, but hey, everyone's gotta make a dollar right?

I stopped in a few African craft shops to look at a few masks and statues I want for my apartment. I looooove the smell of these stores. It always smells like Nag Champa incense (my favorite). But then again all of 125th Street smells like Nag Champa incense due to all the street vendors selling what else?...Nag Champa incense!! Hahaha. There are street vendors every ten steps. Books, shea butter, jewelry, more shea butter, perfume, body oils, art, more shea butter, and black soap. You never even have to step INSIDE of a store. While in this craft store every time I stopped at a piece of art, the owner would come over and tell me the significance of this piece. He had to most beautiful complexion. His skin tone was almost blue-black and completely flawless. His salt and pepper beard was neatly shaped and he had the most beautiful accent. Shoot, I stayed longer just to hear him talk. And to top it all off he smelled like Nag Champa! I think I might have had a little crush! The statue above is about appreciating our ancestors. I appreciated that he took the time to explain each piece. I felt kind of guilty leaving empty handed, but he didn't seem to mind.

It's DY-NO-MIIIITE! Sorry, couldn't resist. LOL! I enjoyed browsing around the custom frame shop dreaming of how I want to spruce up my apartment, they sell some of the most beautiful art. Many of the prints are familiar but some are originals. I'm getting really crafty on getting people to let me take pictures in their stores. Usually just being nice works, sometimes I bend the truth just a little, and sometimes they assume I work for a magazine or something. But many simply give me the ok when I tell them I'm writing about the neighborhood.

5th Avenue (14th Street-Washington Square)
Washington Square North-West 8th st.
West 8th Street (MacDougal-Greenwich Avenue)
Greenwich Avenue (Christopher Street-7th Avenue)
7th Avenue (Greenwhich Avenue-14th Street)
125th Street (Lenox Avenue-St.Nicholas Ave.)
St. Nicholas Ave. (125th-126th Street)
126th St. (St. Nicholas-Frederick Douglas Ave.)
Frederick Douglas Ave. (126th-123rd Street)
123rd Street (Frederick Douglas-Lenox Ave.)
Lenox Avenue (123rd St.-125th St.)
125th Street (Lenox-Madison Ave.)
Madison Ave. (125th-102nd Street)