From 3/10/10
Wow! Another amazing walk even though the sun didn't bless us with its presence today. Thanks to my friend's suggestion, we decided to walk on the Highliner. Now I knew the Highliner existed, but I'd never thought to explore it or had just plain forgotten about it. The High Line is sort of like an elevated "boardwalk". A train used to go through the area and you can still see the tracks.

There were wooden chaise loungers where you can lay out in the sun. There were strategically placed nooks and crannies where you could sit with a loved one and feel like you have complete privacy. I smiled as I saw many couples strolling through or sitting on the benches just enjoying the view. This place definitely inspires poetry. The beginnings of so many poems swam around in my head. To say that this place was an inspiration would be an understatement.
After exiting the Highliner at 20th Street (I didn't want it to end), I decided to visit the Pier again, but heading uptown this time. I expected the pedestrian path to end quickly but to my pleasant surprise, it just went on and on. I felt as if I were on a mini vacation...well until I glanced at the Westside Highway LOL. Conversation seems to flow so easy while walking along the Pier. I felt as if I could say anything and it would be left right there. No judgements and no worries. As we got further uptown, we found a few "artsy" pieces that would probably make most people say "huh" but it totally had me stoked.

There was this huge table with chairs built into it at different angles. Then....JACKPOT!!! I found the worlds biggest bottle of Merlot Woo Hoo! And yes, that's me above trying to drink from it LOL! I think I will have a glass tonight. Okay, I usually have a glass every night, but who's keeping track? As the sun began to set, we relunctantly left the Pier. After crossing the Westside Highway, reality began to set in again, my mini vacation was over. But my personal reality isn't half bad...my reality is pretty AWESOME!

Streets Walked
The High Line 10th Ave (Gansevoort St.-20th St.)
Chelsea Pier (20th-55th Street)
11th Avenue (55th-59th Street)
59th Street (11th Ave-Amsterdam Ave)
Amsterdam Ave (59th St-72nd St)
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